E-STRAORDINARIO is the training program that brings contemporary art to the enterprise sector that was conceived by Fondazione Ermanno Casoli and is supported by Elica, ACRAF and Gruppo 24ORE. It was awarded with the 1st prize in the Cultural Sponsorships and Partnerships section of the CULTURA+IMPRESA Award 2014.
E-STRAORDINARIO is sponsored by the Italian Ministry for Arts and Culture and has just gained a further acknowledgment. This confirms the success that this project has already obtained in several companies that have experienced the applicative value of this educational tool directed to employees to spread culture to the enterprise sector.
The CULTURA+IMPRESA Award 2014 jury, composed by professionals, scholars and researches, evaluated the candidates according to eight parameters:
• Innovation of objectives, adopted solutions, executive modalities;
• Strategy and activation of an integrated communication plan;
• Benefits to the Cultural project users and the Territory;
• Networking with Institutions, Media, Companies;
• Project economic sustainability and resources management;
• CSR campaigns integration;
• Results measurement modalities compared to both Partners’ achieved goals;
• Work opportunities creation for Cultural and Communication operators.
“We proudly accept this award. It is an acknowledgement not only for the innovation project, but also to a vision that many deemed utopian, namely melting culture, territory, enterprise and employment in a unique expression: art –Francesco Casoli, Elica and Fondazione Ermanno Casoli President claimed. Elica, today, is a sort of pioneer for this kind of activities, which can be implemented in other contexts, even at global level”.
Fondazione Ermanno Casoli and Elica, along with their partners ACRAF and Gruppo 24ORE, will take part to an awarding workshop that will be held in March in Milan.