Artist: Ettore Favini, Christian Frosi, Nicola Vascellari
Curator: Marcello Smarrelli
Company: Elica
Participant number: 30
Location: Fabriano – Elica’s Headquarters
Year: 2008
Exhibitions: June 28th – July 31st, 2008, Fabriano Elica Headquarters; September 1st – 30th, 2008 Elica Mergo (AN); October 1st – 31st, 2008 Elica Serra S. Quirico (AN)

Alcune delle opere realizzate durante il workshop condotto da Ettore Favini

Alcune delle opere realizzate durante il workshop condotto da Ettore Favini

Alcune delle opere realizzate durante il workshop condotto da Ettore Favini

Alcune delle opere realizzate durante il workshop condotto da Christian Frosi

Alcune delle opere realizzate durante il workshop condotto da Christian Frosi

Alcune delle opere realizzate durante il workshop condotto da Christian Frosi

Alcuni moneti del workshop della performance realizzata sotto la guida dellartista Nicola Vascelleri

Alcuni moneti del workshop della performance realizzata sotto la guida dellartista Nicola Vascelleri

Alcuni moneti del workshop della performance realizzata sotto la guida dellartista Nicola Vascelleri
Dal progetto all’oggetto is the workshop title that three artists conceived and led: Nico Vascellari, Ettore Favini and Christian Frosi, with thirty Elica employees; the event took place at Fabriano Elica Headquarters.
The initiative aimed at thinking about the complex process that turns an ordinary object into an artwork; the artists, according to their own working methods and poetics, developed the common issue to industrial and artistic productions: the project role and the theoretical processing.
Ettore Favini decided to recreate, with the participants, an art system micro-model, with critics, galleries and artists. Christian Frosi realized a more abstract and emotional path: he asked participants to tell an intimate part of theirs through one or more personal objects. Finally, Nico Vascellari designed a shuttering intervention that radicalizes the reflection on the project-object relation: he proposed an experience disconnected from the material production.
The results were exhibited during an exhibition at Fabriano Elica Headquarters, in Mergo (AN) plant, and in Serra San Quirico (AN) plant.